19 Mayors join the SCLCA!

The SC Livable Communities Alliance (SCLCA) is now supported by 19 Mayors statewide!  We all want a state Complete Streets policy. See our Policy Letter of Support here.

We want SCDOT to pass a state Complete Streets policy that enables streets that are safer, healthier, and more accessible for users of all ages and abilities, regardless of their mode of transportation. Specifically, we want a state policy that:

  1. seamlessly integrates state roads with local streets, with national multimodal design standards,
  2. coordinates tightly between state, regional and local planning and elected bodies,
  3. ensures your mode of transportation is just as safe as all the others,
  4. honors rural and urban interests,
  5. invests in long-term state priorities
  6. moves our state towards a higher quality of life,
  7. integrates with Federal Highway Administration required safety performance measures,
  8. improves SCDOT processes and street designs, and restores trust and transparency,
  9. supports people of all abilities having full access to their chosen mode of transportation.

Join us in creating safe, healthy communities, 
where public streets are accessible to everyone.


Amy Johnson Ely

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