2024 webinars were Sponsored by:

SC Livable Streets Academy
Since SCDOT adopted its state Complete Streets policy in early 2021, work remains to engage locally with citizens and cities, within those larger regional planning bodies implementing the state policy. The SC Livable Streets Academy was created to formalize the assistance we give local/regional planners, community leaders, and citizens advocating for change.
The 2024 webinars are available on demand on our blog and YouTube Channel.
The 2023 webinars focused on funding, and we saved the content for you in PowerPoint files and YouTube video links.
- The model City funding story in Greenville, SC was described by Frank Mansbach of BikeWalkGreenville, where they achieved annual funding from the city's general fund. Frank's Powerpoint Presentation is available here.
- The model County funding story in Charleston County, SC, was described by Devri Detoma, Engineer with Charleston County, where they fund ped/bike infrastructure from an annual, regularly programmed funding program, with money from the gas-tax funded County Transportation Committee and their Penny Sales Tax. Devri's Powerpoint Presentation is available here. Video link is here
The Safe Streets for All federal funding opportunity was first presented at PCC's 2023 SC BikeWalkTrails Summit in Newberry, SC, by Jamie Kendrick of Mead & Hunt. Thirteen planning grants were awarded in 2023 in South Carolina, which is roughly double (per capita) what neighboring states received! That's partly because of PCC's efforts to give PR to this federal funding opportunity. Watch for the next application deadline. SC ranks 1st in the nation in traffic fatalities, so we are a highly eligible state. Jamie's Powerpoint Presentation is available here. Video link here
- SC's Transportation Alternatives funding source was described by Amy Blinson at SCDOT. Her solid presentation described how this funding pot is 2-3 times what it was in the past, and while not the only source (by far!), it is a good one for large projects, especially those of state significance. Hear her discuss all the MANY changes to this reliable funding source. Ms. Blinson's Powerpoint Presentation is available here. Video link coming soon. SCDOT's page for TA money is here.
Future webinars may cover topics such as
- Advocacy, including Equity & Engagement as newer considerations.
- Safety Projects, aimed at reducing risks of injuries & fatalities in areas of greatest need.
- Trail Plan implementation
- Community Building through Active Transportation & Recreation programs
- Community Engagement in Project Implementation, & Equity issues
- Low-Cost Ways to Increase Safety & Access.