Share the Road License Plate
Show your support of our work and bicycling in SC, by getting a "Share the Road" specialty license plate today! The cost of the plate is just $30 annually, in addition to your vehicle fee*.
The process to get a plate is simple—just exchange your current plate for a new one. There are 2 options. Details for each are below:

- Online: go to THIS PAGE directly OR to the online exchange form and then choose "Exchange a plate for new plate design"; click “NEXT” at the bottom. The next page will ask you to gather these items: your current vehicle registration and a valid VISA, MasterCard, or Discover card. Enter all info requested, and verify the car they reference to you. Then choose your specialty plate design; find the “Share the Road (BK1)” specialty plate (it won’t work if you look for “PCC” or “Palmetto Cycling Coalition”). Then complete the transaction by entering your credit card info and submit for a receipt. You can also find the plate gallery directly (again enter "share the road", & click), which will also take you to a screen to enter your info and purchase.
- DMV office: This can be a good option if you don’t want to get this plate online with a credit card. You’ll have to fill out a form and submit payment. You can either download the form, fill it out and take to your DMV office - or they’ll have the form for you at your DMV office. You can also fill out the downloaded form and mail in the paperwork and payment, to the address listed on the form. Your current vehicle registration form has all the information you’ll need to complete the form for this method.
Tips on purchasing:
- Don’t worry if you just renewed your plate, because the cost of a new Share the Road plate will be pro-rated.
- Your registration must be in good standing, and there’s a blackout window where you can’t get the new plate within 90 days of your decal expiration. IF you’re within 90 days of plate expiration, just wait to pay your property taxes and renew your existing plate BEFORE submitting an application for the specialty plate.
*The Coalition is the beneficiary of the South Carolina Share the Road license plates. These funds support our bicycle safety programs and initiatives. About 85% of the specialty license fee goes directly to the Coalition. In 2019 & 2020, the SCDMV refined all specialty plate designs to the above new design, and beneficiaries received new plates.
Provide your contact information to us, and you will receive your 1st year of PCC membership FREE. You can do that today by contacting us!