Cycling & the Workplace
An Employer’s Guide to Encouraging Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling is a healthy, clean, and fun means of transportation that benefits the whole community with cleaner air, less traffic, and an improved quality of life. Nearly everyone has a bicycle, and they are very affordable to buy and maintain. Bicycle Commuting benefits employers in many ways including:
- Healthier employees
- More productive employees
- Less demand for car parking
Here are several ways you can encourage bicycle commuting to your workplace.
Bicycle Parking – Install a bike rack in a convenient location or designate a storage room for bike parking. Use a rack that allows the bike frame to be securely locked and if possible place under shelter from the weather.
Showers and lockers – Make arrangements for cyclists to use showers and lockers in the building or at a nearby facility such as a school or health club.
Ride matching – Set up a system to match interested employees with each other for “bike pooling” just as you might for car pooling.
Provide Incentives – Rewards for those who don’t drive in to work alone
- Cash payments equivalent to the value of free car parking
- Reimbursement for bicycle repairs or bicycle/bicycle accessory purchase
- Free breakfast or snacks
- Recognition in internal memos or publications
- Other creative ideas – ask employees for suggestions
Other Suggestions
- Relax the dress code on certain days
- Offer a Bicycle Commuting Course at the workplace, covering safety tips and skill-building for riding in traffic.
- Make an information packet available to employees, including the following:
- Bike to Work brochure, containing tips and advice for bike commuting
- Information on signing up for bicycle commuting courses
- Rules of the road for cyclists
- Incentives offered by employer
- Company guidelines for bike parking
- Work with local government to provide bike lanes and other improvements to enhance bicycle access to your workplace
- Foster a Bicycle User Group (BUG) of interested employees to advise and suggest specific improvements
- Spread the word on Bike to Work events
Thanks to Bicycle Coalition of Maine for the information!
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