Support PCC with your License Plate!

How can you offer the best support of statewide bike advocacy, besides becoming a member?  Purchase a Share the Road license plate.  In fact, it might even be better, because you help build the movement by telling others on the road how much you love safe bicycling.  Get one hereonline icon ver 2

The Palmetto Cycling Coalition is the beneficiary of the South Carolina, “Share the Road,” license plate. By investing in this license plate you are visibly displaying support for safety and consideration for all who share the roads– motorists and pedestrians alike. Financially, your license plate is funding our bicycle advocacy program, which educates people across the state on safe cycling methods/laws, and promotes improved infrastructure within the state. The cost of the Share the Road plate is just $30 in addition to your annual vehicle fee; about 85% of these additional costs go directly to supporting the Coalition.  Get one here.  And thank you.  Because we can’t do it without you.  Help us make SC safer for bicycling today.



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Amy Johnson Ely

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