Voices from across the state speak out to SCDOT in favor of complete streets.
Dr. António de Ridder-Vignone testifying about Complete Streets to the SCDOT Commission
Four people delivered comments in favor of a complete streets policy, last week at the South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission meeting, held monthly in Columbia.
Wayne Schuler, President of the South Carolina chapter of the American Planning Association cited the APA policy guide on Surface Transportation which describes the planning benefits of a connected, bikeable, walkable network.
Dr. António de Ridder-Vignone, a teacher at the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics spoke about the importance of complete streets and the open streets efforts he is involved with in Hartsville. His students, Dorathea Lee and Breckin Muzzy also delivered compelling personal statements in favor of ensuring transportation networks are accessible by people using any mode of travel.
In addition to the public comments, the Alliance delivered dozens of comment cards and a petition with over 500 signatures directly to each of the DOT commissioners. Together, we did it! Stay tuned for more. We will speak directly to commissioners, again, in the coming weeks.