Your support is needed again in Greenville

Back in June, Cait wrote about an opportunity to influence bike lane development on several Greenville roads. In her blog post, she wrote:

How many times have you ridden down a road and thought “This would be perfect if there was a bike lane?” It’s tough to get bicycle facilities added to roads after the fact, but keeping an eye on road projects and getting involved in the planning stages can be much more effective in meeting bicyclists’ needs.

There is one such opportunity right now in Greenville. Portions of Pelham and Roper Mountain Roads are scheduled to be resurfaced over the summer, and bike lanes on these roads would be a great step toward connecting the central business district with the suburbs and other parts of the county, allowing residents to safety travel the area by bike.

Unfortunately, the Pelham and Roper Mtn Roads do not appear to be a win for bicyclists. However, another opportunity has arisen in which residents of Greenville can ask for bicycle enhancements on their roads. Old Bumcombe Road, another SCDOT owned road, is due for resurfacing through the Federal Aid Pavement Improvement Program. As the resurfacing is currently planned, there are no accommodations for bicycle users. However, given the specifications of the road, it would be an idea candidate for bike lanes.

Before Wednesday, October 5, please submit comments to SCDOT requesting consideration of bike lanes along this corridor. You can easily submit your comment here, and find out more information about the road in consideration here (view page 32).

Also, do not forget that the Bicycle Master Plan for the City of Greenville goes before Council for a final vote on October 10. Please take part in this process and let Council know that you support this plan.

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