Legislative Update 2018
House Bill 3615
Volunteer Beverly Pack testified recently, in support of PCC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety bill, H.3615. The bill would requires a Defensive Driving course for any motorist that injures a vulnerable road user while Failing to Yield Right of Way. Among other things, it also requires cars stop, not just yield, for pedestrians in unsignalized crosswalks. H.3615 gets one more opportunity for testimony next week, in the House Judiciary, Special Laws subcommittee. Read the bill text or our blogpost.
House Bill 4480
Three PCC volunteers testified recently for the Wireless Communications Devices bill, also known as the defensive driving bill, partnering in support with multiple other organizations such as AAA Carolinas and the SC Trucking Association. It provides modest penalties for using a cell phone for anything while driving, with few exceptions, and puts action into existing law. Read more in our blogpost. Bill text here.
Senate Bill 1058
We are closely watching Senate bill 1058, which increases and further defines penalties for motor vehicle drivers involved in accidents causing injury or worse. Bill text here.
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