SC’s Roads Are Dangerous By Design For Older Adults
JUN 26, 2019, by Corrine Reed
The National Complete Streets Coalition released Dangerous by Design 2019, their biannual report on pedestrian safety, and South Carolina’s scores are especially startling.
SC is the 10th most dangerous state for pedestrians by the pedestrian danger index (PDI). Our state received a PDI score of 107, compared to a national PDI of 55.3 In addition, the number of people struck and killed by drivers while walking increased by 52.5 percent in South Carolina, compared to a national increase of 35.4 percent.
TheSC Livable Communities Alliance and AARP are concerned about the safety of older adults walking. According to Dangerous by Design 2019, adults over 50 are 6.6 percent more likely to be struck and killed while walking, compared to people under 50. Drivers are more likely to strike and kill older adults, people of color, and people who walk in low-income neighborhoods.
Read the full South Carolina Dangerous by Design report here.
“There is clearly an urgent need to do more to address the issue of pedestrian safety in South Carolina” said Teresa Arnold,AARP South Carolina state director. “The Dangerous by Design report is a call to action for to work with stakeholders, elected officials and citizens to pass a comprehensive Complete Streets policy so that South Carolina streets will be safer for all.”
The SC Livable Communities Alliance (SCLCA) is leading the charge to adopt a complete streets policy in the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT). Multimodal “complete” streets are designed so that everyone on the road can travel safely, regardless of age, ability, or transportation choice.
SCDOT is routinely meeting with the SC Livable Communities Alliance to discuss changes SCDOT can make to improve their planning, design, and process procedures. Over 80 organization leaders, mayors, and business owners have signed the SCLCA policy letter of support in favor of safer streets. The Alliance is optimistic about progress being made to make South Carolina’s streets safe and accessible for everyone.
The ultimate goal is to nail down a policy to put these changes onto paper and into standard process. Stay current on our progress by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! You can also subscribe to our newsletter here.
Questions? Want to get more involved? Drop us a line at [email protected] or call us at 803-445-1099.