SC Safe Routes to School Resource Center Kick-Off
This from our friends at the SC Safe Routes to School Resource Center (a program of the SC Department of Transportation)!
The South Carolina Safe Routes to School Resource Center is happy to announce a series of kick-off events unveiling the new, and continuing, free resources available to every K-8 grade school in the state.
Safe Routes to School is a federally-funded nationwide program designed to encourage more children to walk and bike to school. Safe Routes to School addresses many of the major issues that our communities face:
- Increasing threats of childhood obesity and obesity-related health problems
- Inadequate or unsafe pedestrian and bicycle travel routes
- Deteriorating air quality and increases in pollution due to harmful emissions
- Rising traffic congestion and motor vehicle accidents
Come learn more about South Carolina’s Safe Routes to School Resource Center, explore your role within the SRTS community, meet the South Carolina Resource Center staff and find out about the many SRTS programs available in our own backyard.
The statewide events are occurring on May 16 and 17, and include the following locations:
Monday, May 16
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
SC DOT Headquarters-Auditorium
955 Park Street
Columbia, SC
Parking is available at adjoining University garage at no cost.
Monday, May 16
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
SC DOT Region 3 District Office
252 S Pleasantburg Drive
Greenville, SC
Tuesday, May 17
9:30 am to 10:30 am
SC DOT District 5 Maintenance Office
3018 East Palmetto Street
Florence, SC
Tuesday, May 17
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
SC DOT District 6 Office
6355 Fain Street
North Charleston, SC
Email to reserve a seat at the location most convenient for you. Or, call the new South Carolina SRTS Resource Center hotline toll-free at (855) 4SC-SRTS to RSVP.
View the official invitation here.