Midlands Gives 2019!
We are proud to announce that we are participating in Central Carolina Community Foundation’s 6th annual Midlands Gives day, a one day online giving extravaganza for the Midlands region, on Tuesday, May 7, 2019!
We invite you to join the movement and help us reach our goal of $10,000! This will all go towards our work to make South Carolina safe for everyone on the road, not just those who drive!
Why Give to PCC During Midlands Gives?
Palmetto Cycling Coalition is the only statewide organization dedicated to advocating for non-motorized road users to have the ability to travel safely! With 95% of bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities occurring on state-owned roads and the highest traffic fatality rate in the country, we have a lot of work to do!
We are making progress all the time towards building a bike and walk friendly South Carolina! Here are just a few of our accomplishments from the past year alone:
- Achieved two big wins at SCDOT:
- Successfully advocated for the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) decision to dedicate $5 million – 10% – of their federal highway safety funding to a brand new non-motorized safety program!
- SCDOT altered their process in incorporating biking and walking facilities! Recommendations for biking and walking facilities used to be considered at the tail end of project development. Now, bike/walk facility consideration is officially embedded in the early Scoping process;
- Successfully organized and facilitated a coalition called the SC Livable Communities Alliance for a state Complete Streets policy at SCDOT;
- Contracted a report for a statewide pedestrian and bike crash analysis, funded by Voices for Healthy Kids;
- Advanced legislation in support of bicycle and pedestrian safety. We are currently working on 5 bills in the SC Legislature – 3 we wrote and 2 written by partner groups. You can review these by clicking here!
Here’s how you can join the movement:
1) Be a philanthropist and give on May 7th!
Your gift matters! On May 7, if you donate to Palmetto Cycling Coalition on MidlandsGives.org/palmettocycling between 6 am and midnight your dollars will be stretched with prizes sponsored by local businesses.
Not available on May 7th? No worries! Schedule your donation between April 23 and May 6 to make your gift count!
2) Spread the word!
Tell your friends and loved ones about PCC and Midlands Gives! Don’t forget to tag @palmettocycling and #MidlandsGives if you’re posting online. Encourage your friends and family to join you in being a philanthropist.
3) Be a Champion!
Create your own personal campaign to raise money for Palmetto Cycling Coalition! Choose a goal and share with family and friends. You can create Champion Pages at MidlandsGives.org. Need an idea for what to write on your Champion Page? You can check out Corrine’s page by clicking here!
With your help, we WILL reach our $10,000 fundraising goal on Midlands Gives!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @palmettocycling so you can share in the excitement of a day of giving and remember to give on May 7th!